Provide clients with satisfactory and valuable engineering consulting services.
Technical Panel
  • 01
    Design Consulting and Economics

    Pre planning consultation, planning and engineering design, design technical review, engineering economics and other business backend technical support, professional exchange and special training.

  • 02
    Engineering Management and Consulting

    Provide full process consulting, project management, engineering construction, specialized consulting services, and other related services to carry out management technical support, professional exchanges, and specialized training.

  • 03
    Security Technology and Management

    Carry out safety risk control and supervision inspections, special plan reviews, professional technical support, and cooperate with the company to carry out safety special training and inspections.

  • 04
    Underground Engineering and Tunnels

    Provide risk management, technical support, and professional training in the fields of ultra deep and ultra large foundation engineering, municipal roads, bridges, urban rail transit, municipal pipeline networks, and other engineering fields.

  • 05
    Main structure and decoration

    Provide technical support and professional training for building main structures, special-shaped complex large-span steel structures, curtain wall professional support, and new material application technology; Provide professional technical support for prefabricated construction, decoration, and overall outdoor design.

  • 06
    Mechanical and Electrical Installation and Equipment

    Provide technical support in the field of mechanical and electrical installation (building construction and municipal engineering) and equipment, conduct scheme review, summarize achievements, and provide training related to mechanical and electrical engineering.

Shanghai Jianke Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd

  • Telephone:021-64687800

  • Address:6th Floor, Building 1, No. 75 Wanping South Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

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